Search code examples

How to create text come one by one and go back to fix the spelling

I have inserted a text inside the placeholder.And it's working properly.Now After appearing the text, I want the cursor to go to a specific point(here doubts) and correct the misspelled word(doubts to doubt).

How to do it ? Can you show me any example I want to do in the project.


var txt = "Please write your message.If any doubts, don't hesitate to make a questions !";
var timeOut;
var txtLen = txt.length;
var char = 0;
$('textarea').attr('placeholder', '|');
(function typeIt() {
  var humanize = Math.round(Math.random() * (200 - 30)) + 30;
  timeOut = setTimeout(function() {
    var type = txt.substring(0, char);
    $('textarea').attr('placeholder', type + '|');

    if (char == txtLen) {
      $('textarea').attr('placeholder', $('textarea').attr('placeholder').slice(0, -1)) // remove the '|'

  }, humanize);
<script src=""></script>
  <textarea cols="50" rows="15" placeholder=""></textarea>


  • First, add another variable to hold the the modified, typo-free string so we can still iterate through the original. This new variable will be used to display text.

    var modified_txt = "";

    If you know the position in the string of the typo you can make an object of the position of the typos to check.

    //Positions in the txt string where typos exist
    var typos = {
      38: {},
      25: {}

    As your char counter increases you can check it against the object.

    var test = typos[char];
    if (test !== undefined) {
      //Typo found do something with it

    In this case I opted to write 2 new functions, 1 for adding characters and 1 for deleting them

    function deleteCharacter(text) {
      text = text.substring(0, text.length - 1);
      return text;
    function addCharacter(text, character_added) {
      text = text + character_added;
      return text;

    I also decided to have one of the typo object properties be a function, so we can organize our typos and do what we want within the typo object.

    var typos = {
      38: {
        error: 's',
        correction: function(text) {
          var temp = deleteCharacter(text);
          $('textarea').attr('placeholder', temp + '|');
          return temp;

    Now we can make a function call when a typo is found.

    if (test !== undefined) {
      //Typo found do something with it
      setTimeout(function() {
        var chunk_one = test.correction(modified_txt);
        modified_txt = chunk_one;
      }, humanize());
    } else { //If no typos are found then move to the next character
      setTimeout(function() {
      }, humanize());

    Full working code at codepen