I have this issue in converting a HEX string to Number in as3
I have a value str = "24421bff100317"; decimal value = 10205787172373271
but when I parseInt it I get parseInt(str, 16) = 10205787172373272
Can anyone please tell me what am I doing wrong here
Looks like adding one ("24421bff100318") works fine. I have to assume that means this is a case of precision error.
Because there are only a finite amount of numbers that can be represented with the memory available, there will be times that the computer is estimating. This is common when working with decimals and very large numbers. It's visible, for example, in this snippet where apparently the computer can't add basic decimals:
for(var i=0;i<3;i+=0.2){
There are a few workarounds if accuracy at this level is critical, namely using datatypes that store more information ("long" instead of "int" in Java - I believe "Number" might work in AS3 but I have not tested it for your scenario) or if that fails, breaking the numbers down into smaller parts and adding them together.
For further reading to understand this topic (since I do think it's fascinating), look up "precision errors" and "data types".