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How to resolve issue with image path when testing HtmlHelper?

I came across an issue when I was testing my HTML Helper. Basically I'm creating a grid with loads of rows, columns and different types of data in it. In the header there is also a image to notify the user what column the data is sorted by. However, when I'm writing my test now (way too late, but better late than never right?!), I get this error thrown:

"The application relative virtual path '~/Images/SortingArrowUp.png' cannot be made absolute, because the path to the application is not known."

 var imgPath = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/Images/SortingArrowUp.png");

How can I solve this. I can understand how this might be an issue during the test, and the image might not be available and all that, but what's the correct way to do this then?


  • The correct way is to call UrlHelper.GenerateContentUrl instead of VirtualPathUtility. In your helper code you would do something like this:

    MvcHtmlString MyHelper(this HtmlHelper helper, ...) {
      // other code
      var imgPath = UrlHelper.GenerateContentUrl("~/Images/SortingArrowUp.png",
      // other code

    When unit testing you will have to pass in correctly mocked context objects. You need to mock HttpContext.Request.ApplicationPath - return some dummy app path, HttpContext.Response.ApplyAppPathModifier() - do nothing, HttpContext.Request.ServerVariables - return null, HttpContext.Request.Path and HttpContext.Request.RawUrl - return some value that makes sense.