We have a public Azure blob that contains over 300,000 image files. The method we used to upload the files was via a Cloudberry Drive mapped drive.
After uploading all the images and spot-checking them via https://ourazureaccount.blob.core.windows.net/ourblob/imagefile.jpg, we are having intermittent problems.
Some of the images load up from the web just fine. But others come up with this error from the web browsers:
Error: Code=BlobNotFound
When an image fails with "BlobNotFound", I am able to browse to the CloudBerry drive & path and see the image file just fine. So I know the file exists.
Does anyone know why some images load fine from the web, and others fail?
It looks like an URI characters problem, post and review the urls, the ones are working versus the others.
If URL characters are the problems, be careful with these and use instead the encoded value