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Finding Large Files in Mercurial Repository

Similar to this link but for mercurial. I'd like to find the files that are most contributing to the size of my mercurial repository.

I intend to use hg convert to create a new, smaller repository. I'm just not sure yet which files are contributing to the repository size. They could be files that have already been deleted.

What is a good way to find these anywhere in the repository history? There are over 20,000 commits. I'm thinking a powershell script, but I'm not sure what the best way to go about this is.


  • Check hg help fileset. Something like

    hg files "set:size('>1M')"

    should do the trick for you. You might need to operate over all revisions, though as it only operates on one revision. In bash I'd try something like

    for i in `hg log -r"all()" "set:size('>400k')" --template="{rev}\n"`; do hg files -r$i "set:size('>400k')"; done | sort | uniq

    might do the trick. Maybe it can be optimized as it's currently a bit duplication and might run for quite a bit; on the OpenTTD repository with 22000 commits it took on my laptop just short of 10 minutes.

    (Also check hg help on templates, files and grep)