I am trying to get completion searching working in an embedded instance for unit testing. I am using elastic4s and elasticsearch 2.0.x
My working code is as follows:
val nIndex = create index "musicbrainz" shards 5 replicas 1 mappings(
"artist_title" as(
"artist" typed StringType,
"artist_suggest" typed CompletionType analyzer "simple" searchAnalyzer "simple" payloads false preserveSeparators true preservePositionIncrements true maxInputLen 50,
"title" typed StringType
) size true numericDetection true boostNullValue 1.2 boost "myboost"
val bulkInsert = bulk(
index into "artist_title"/"musicbrainz" id 1 fields("title" -> "Just the Way You Are", "artist" -> "Bruno Mars", "artist_suggest" -> Map("input" -> Seq("bruno", "mars"), "output" -> Seq("Bruno Mars"))) refresh true
val res = client.execute {
search in "artist_title"/"musicbrainz" limit 1 query bool {
must (
matchQuery("artist", "Bruno Mars")
val artistSugg = completionSuggestion.field("artist_suggest").text("b")
val resp = client.execute {
search in "artist_title"/"musicbrainz" suggestions {
val it = resp.suggestion(artistSugg).entry("bruno").options.map(x => x.text).distinct
On hitting the last line, the code will break with the message Field [artist_suggest] is not a completion suggest field
. However if I look at nIndex._mappings(0)._fields
it contains a CompletionFieldDefinition. The MatchQuery returns the piece of data, so I know it is getting added correctly, I just can't seem to figure out how to get the completion suggester working. From what I have in the scala it seems like it matches up to the doc: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-suggesters-completion.html
Reading through the docs again, I realized I missed something. The completion suggester searches all documents in an index, so when I changed search in "artist_title"/"musicbrainz" suggestions
to search in "musicbrainz" suggestions
it works.