I am trying to unit test my AngularJS application using Karma and Jasmine. I want to mock the $http service. For that, I am using the $httpBackend method. Below is my service that I want to test:
angular.module('MyModule').factory('MyService', function($http, $log, $parse, $q, $timeout, $filter, MyOtherService1, MyOtherService2){
var service = {};
service.getSomething = function(id){
return $http.get('/somePath/subpath/' + id);
My unit test for this service is:
describe("myTest", function(){
var myService, $httpBackend, scope, mockMyOtherService1, mockMyOtherService2;
var myResponse =
beforeEach(inject(function(_MyService_, $injector){
$httpBackend = $injector.get('$httpBackend');
myService = _MyService_;
scope = $injector.get('$rootScope').$new();
mockMyOtherService1 = $injector.get('MyOtherService1');
mockMyOtherService2 = $injector.get('MyOtherService2');
//To bypass dependent requests
//If I uncomment the below afterEach block, the same error is shown at next line.
/*afterEach(function() {
//This test passes successfully
it("should check if service is instantiated", function () {
//This test passes successfully
it("should expect dependencies to be instantiated", function(){
//The problem is in this test
it("should get the getSomething with the provided ID", function() {
var deferredResponse = myService.getSomething('my_123');
//The error is shown in next line.
//If I comment the $httpBackend.flush(), in the next line, the $$state in deferredResponse shows that the Object that I responded with is not set i.e. it does not matches the 'myResponse'.
This is an emergency problem and I need help regarding the same as soon as possible. I will be very grateful for your answer.
The problem was I needed to inject $location in my spec files even though they are not injected in the services. After injection, all worked well! Hope this helps someone who gets stuck in the same situation.