Lets say I have the following words:
word1 = 'john lennon'
word2 = 'john lenon'
word3 = 'lennon john'
Its almost clear that these 3 words are reffering to the same person. Having the following code:
>stringdist('john lennon','john lenon',method = 'jw')
[1] 0.06363636
>stringdist('john lennon','lennon john',method = 'qgram')
[1] 0
>stringdist('john lennon','lennon john',method = 'jw')
[1] 0.33
>stringdist('john lennon','john lenon',method = 'qgram')
[1] 1
Its clear that in this example that qgram
works better. But thats only that case. My question is how can I combine these two methods?
gives better results but cant 'catch' the reversed words ( in my case name-surname with surname-name). Any advice?
I had an idea which computationally seems to be costly, but at least it gives quite nice results.
word1 = 'john lennon'
word2 = 'john lenon'
word3 = 'lennon john'
Firstly remove spaces:
word1b = gsub(' ','',word1)
word2b = gsub(' ','',word2)
word3b = gsub(' ','',word3)
Order them alphabetically:
word1c = paste(sort(unlist(strsplit(word1b, ""))), collapse = "")
word2c = paste(sort(unlist(strsplit(word2b, ""))), collapse = "")
word3c = paste(sort(unlist(strsplit(word3b, ""))), collapse = "")
And finally use jw
stringdist(word1c,word2c,method = 'jw')
[1] 0.03333333
stringdist(word1c,word3c,method = 'jw')
[1] 0
stringdist(word2c,word3c,method = 'jw')
[1] 0.03333333
Satisfactory results. Drawback: could have non wanted results in small length words.