I have multiple Projects in Visual Studio with a Ninject-Moduledefinition for each assembly. This Solution is structured as "Onion Architecture". The Modules are loaded only in the Projects with references to the assembly.
I have these Layers
At the moment the Web-UI - Layer doesn't need to reference the repository, because the Ninject-Moduleloader of the BusinessLayer get's all referenced bindings from the Repository-Moduleloader
My Repository-Layer doesn't have any reference to ASP.Net assemblies. So I can't set the scope of my NinjectModules to "InRequestScope". I am trying now to set the configuration of the ModuleLoader in my WebUI-Layer, but the Modules of the repository are still not "InRequestScope"
private static void RegisterServices(IKernel kernel) {
kernel.Bind(i => i.From("*.dll")
.Configure(x => x.InRequestScope()));
kernel.Load(new BusinessLayer.BusinessLayerModuleLoader());
kernel.Load(new WebUIInjector());
The first statement (kernel.Bind(i => i.From(....));
) is searching all deployed *.dll's for types which have an interface matching the "default interface" convention, which is: Typename ends in interface name (without the leading I), for example: "Foo --> IFoo", "Bar --> IBar", "SomeFoo : IFoo". It does not load any modules.
runs the Load method of a NinjectModule
which can add additional bindings.
The preferred alternative would be to use kernel.Load<BusinessLayer.BusinessLayerModuleLoader>()
and to name it BusinessLayerModule
instead of BusinessLayerModuleLoader
To load all the modules of all deployed dlls run: kernel.Load("*.dll");
For more information on modules and module loading see: https://github.com/ninject/Ninject/wiki/Modules-and-the-Kernel
Note: If a module were to do Bind<IFoo>().To<Foo>()
there would be 2 bindings for IFoo
as the convention already bound it. This would result in an NinjectActivationException
with message ...more than one matching binding available...
Hint: The question of how to parameterize scopes applied in NinjectModule
s has been asked on SO before.