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f#: encoding even and odd in (inductive) types?

I've been reading Practical Foundations for Programming Languages and found the Iterated and Simultaneous Inductive definitions interesting. I was able to pretty easily encode a mutually recursive version of even and odd functions I found online.

let rec even = function
| 0 -> true
| n -> odd(n-1)
and odd = function
  | 0 -> false
  | n -> even(n-1)

printfn "%i is even? %b" 2 (even 2)
printfn "%i is odd? %b" 2 (odd 2)

But it's less clear to me (I am an F# newb) if I can do this at the type level rather than via a function. I've seen implementations of Peano numbers in F# so I feel like this should be possible.


  • Here's the black-magic:

    type Yes = Yes
    type No  = No
    type Zero = Zero with
        static member (!!) Zero = Yes    
        static member (!.) Zero = No
    type Succ<'a> = Succ of 'a with
        static member inline (!!) (Succ a) = !. a
        static member inline (!.) (Succ a) = !! a
    let inline isEven x = !! x
    let inline isOdd  x = !. x

    Based on this implementation of Peano numbers and using operators to avoid writing constraints by hand, !. stands for odd and !! for even.

    // Test
    let N1 = Succ Zero
    let N2 = Succ N1
    let N3 = Succ N2
    let N4 = Succ N3
    isOdd N3       // val it : Yes = Yes
    isEven N3      // val it : No = No
    // Test at type-level
    let inline doSomeOddStuff (x: ^t when ^t : (static member (!.) : ^t -> Yes)) =        
    let x = doSomeOddStuff N3
    let y = doSomeOddStuff N4   // Doesn't compile

    I use operators in order to show how easy is to go from the value-level solution to the type-level solution. Then you can go ahead and write the same with static constraints, for completeness here's that version:

    type Zero = Zero with
        static member Even Zero = Yes
        static member Odd  Zero = No
    type Succ<'a> = Succ of 'a with
        static member inline Even (Succ a) : ^r = (^t : (static member Odd  : ^t -> ^r) a)
        static member inline Odd  (Succ a) : ^r = (^t : (static member Even : ^t -> ^r) a)
    let inline isEven x : ^r = (^t : (static member Even : ^t -> ^r) x)
    let inline isOdd  x : ^r = (^t : (static member Odd  : ^t -> ^r) x)

    It's more verbose but reads better at intellisense, for instance the constrained function will read:

     val inline doSomeOddStuff :
       x: ^t -> unit when  ^t : (static member Odd :  ^t -> Yes)


    Here's an alternative solution which might be closer to what you have in mind:

    type Parity =
        | Even
        | Odd
    type Even = Even with static member (!!) Even = Parity.Even   
    type Odd  = Odd  with static member (!!) Odd  = Parity.Odd
    type Zero = Zero with
        static member (!!) Zero = Even
    type Succ<'a> = Succ of 'a with
        static member inline (!!) (Succ (Succ a)) = !! a
        static member        (!!) (Succ Zero)     = Odd
    let inline getParity x = !! x
    let inline getParityAsValue x = !! (getParity x)
    // Test
    let N1 = Succ Zero
    let N2 = Succ N1
    let N3 = Succ N2
    let N4 = Succ N3
    getParity N3        // val it : Yes = Yes
    getParity N4        // val it : No = No
    getParityAsValue N3 // val it : Parity = Odd
    getParityAsValue N4 // val it : Parity = Even
    // Test at type-level
    let inline doSomeOddStuff (x: ^t when ^t : (static member (!!) : ^t -> Odd)) =        
    let x = doSomeOddStuff N3
    let y = doSomeOddStuff N4   // Doesn't compile

    So here you can get the result as a type and also the DU value from that type.