I have this file config/application.yml
name: MyAppName
domain: example.com
email: mail@example.com
phone: 1234567890
And in the environment.rb
i have this
AppConfig = YAML::load_file('config/application.yml')
So now i can access this by using AppConfig["settings"]["info"]["name"]
How can i access this by using AppConfig.settings.info.name
If you are using Rails 4.2 or higher, you can use config_for
for the config files. They need to be placed under /config folder. (haven't tried otherwise)
In your case it would be: config = Rails.application.config_for(:application)
This is more clear and Rails way to load configs into application.
Then you can use OpenStruct to have dot notation enabled for it.
APP_CONFIG = OpenStruct.new(config)