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Are muxes more "expensive" than other logic?

This is mostly out of curiosity.

One fragment from some VHDL code that I've been working on recently resembles the following:

led_q <= (pwm_d and ch_ena) when pwm_ena = '1' else ch_ena;

This is a mux-style expression, of course. But it's also equivalent to the following basic logic expression (at least when ignoring non-binary states):

led_q <= ch_ena and (pwm_d or not pwm_ena);

Is one "better" than the other in terms of logic utilisation or efficiency when actually implemented in an FPGA? Is it preferable to use one over the other, or is the compiler smart enough to pick the "best" on its own?

(For the curious, the purpose of the expression is to define the state of an LED -- if ch_ena is false it should always be off as the channel is disabled, otherwise it should either be on solidly or flashing according to pwm_d, according to pwm_ena (PWM enable). I think the first form describes this more obviously than the second, although it's not too hard to realise how the second behaves.)


  • For a simple logical expression, like the one shown, where the synthesis tool can easily create a complete truth table, the expression is likely to be converted to an internal truth table, which is then directly mapped to the available FPGA LUT resources. Since the truth table is identical for the two equivalent expressions, the hardware will also be the same.

    However, for complex expressions where a complete truth table can't be generated, e.g. when using arithmetic operations, and/or where dedicated resources are available, the synthesis tool may choose to hold an internal representation that is more closely related to the original VHDL code, and in this case the VHDL coding style can have a great impact on the resulting logic, even for equivalent expressions.

    In the end, the implementation is tool specific, so the best way to find out what logic is generated is to try it with the specific tool, in special for large or timing critical parts of the design, where the implementation is critical.