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How do I collect the h1 headings of a number of web pages?

I would like to go through a couple of web pages

 theURLs := #('url1' 'url2' 'url3')

and get the content of the first h1 heading

theURLs collect: [ :anURL |  page := HTTPClient httpGetDocument: anURL.
                             page firstH1heading].


What do I need to put at the place of #firstH1heading ?

Answers for Squeak / Pharo / Cuis are welcome.


In Squeak

HTTPClient httpGetDocument: ''

gives back a


So I would expect to do something like

theURLs collect: [ :anURL |  page := HTMLDocument on: 
                                     (HTTPClient httpGetDocument: anURL).
                             page firstH1heading].

But in Squeak 4.6 there is no HTMLDocument class though it seems there used to be one. ( The Wiki says that I should load a package Network-HTML. The SqueakMap catalog of Squeak 4.6 has a package 'XMLParser-HTML'. Can this be used instead?


  • In Pharo, you can use the Soup package. Install it via the Configuration Browser.

    You retrieve a document from an URL with Zinc, and find the first <h1> tag with Soup like this:

    |contents soup body|
    contents := ZnClient new get: ''.
    soup := Soup fromString: contents.
    body := soup body.
    body findTag: 'h1'