this is my get_queryset(): method in the view
def get_queryset(self):
#by here the search query is getting executed
self.vendor_filter=self.request.GET.get('select_vendor', 'all')
self.search_query=self.request.GET.get('q', "")
self.sort_by=self.request.GET.get('sort_by', "relevance")
return queryset
this method is throwing 'list' object has no attribute 'all'
error. However I ran this SearchQuerySet().all() in django shell it is returning correct results.
it is very annoying issue. I dont know what is the mistake?, I am using whoosh with django-haystack search.
I found the reason why, the code queryset=SearchQuerySet().all()[:50]
was converting the SearchQuerySet object to list. I changed it to queryset=SearchQuerySet().all()
now it works as expected. It took me whole day to figure out. But still I don't know why it was doing that without throwing an exception or error.