I wrote smth like custom oozie FTP action (simple example described in "Professional Hadoop Solutions By: Boris Lublinsky; Kevin T. Smith; Alexey Yakubovich"). We have HDFS on node1 and Oozie server on node2. Node2 also has HDFS client.
My problem:
method. Also I tried to use Shell action like /usr/bin/hadoop fs -moveFromLocal /tmp\import_folder/filename.csv /user/user_for_import/imported/filename.csv
but I hadn't effect. All actions seems tried to look files on node1. The same result if I start oozie job from node2.Question: can I set node for FTP action to load files from FTP on node1? Or can I have any other ways to pass downloaded files in HDFS instead described?
Oozie runs all its actions as MR jobs on nodes from a configured Map Reduce cluster. There is no way to make Oozie run some actions on a particular node.
Basically, you should use Flume to ingest files into HDFS. Set up a Flume agent on your FTP node.