I know that suffix and postfix increment (decrement) have higher predence vs comparison (==) in C.
But I'm running into confusion right now, if I have 2 conditional loops like while (0 != i--)
and while (0!= --i)
, so what is the difference there? Because due to precedence the decrement should always be executed first then do the comparision?
"uses" the value of i
and then decrements it.
decrements i and then "uses" the value of i
So if i=4
then while(0 != i--){ printf("%d\n", i); }
would show 3 (because i is now decremented), 2, 1, 0 (because i was 1 when the check was done).
In the while(0 != --i) { printf("%d\n", i); } you'd get 3 (i is still decremented), 2, 1 but not 0.
i` was 0 when the check was performed because it was PREdecremented.