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R: legends in lattice function

I visualized a matrix with the lattice package of R to obtain a 10x10 grid.

Unfortunately, I do have some problems regarding finetuning.

The colorbar would need an explanatory title (written vertically next to it).

Here is an example code to see how it looks like now plus a picture.


#Build the horizontal and vertical axis information

hor=c("0.0005", "0.001", "0.005", "0.01", "0.05", "0.1", "0.5", "1", "5", "10")

cor = matrix(runif(nrowcol*nrowcol, min=0.4), nrow=nrowcol, ncol=nrowcol, dimnames = list(hor, ver))
for (i in 1:nrowcol) cor[i,i] = 1

rgb.palette <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "yellow"), space = "rgb")
levelplot(cor, col.regions=rgb.palette(120), cuts=100, at=seq(0,1,0.01),
          xlab=expression("DAG depletion rate k"[B49] *" [ s"^"-1"*" ]"),
          ylab=expression("PKC activation rate k"[D5] *" [ l / (mol*s) ]"))

Do you have a guess how I can fix these little issues?

Best and thank you very much!

enter image description here


  • Add these lines tweaking the x and y positions as needed:

    grid.text("Here is some text explaining the legend", .77, .5, rot = 270)
