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R with RGtk2: "Hello world" example using a GUI builder (glade, GTKBuilder)?

I want to create a GUI in R using RGtk2 and the Glade GUI builder as user interface designer.

How can I use the XML file created by Glade in my R code (using e. g. RGtk2)?

Has anybody a "hello world" example with a simple window or a link to a a good tutorial


PS: There is a code example in the documentation of RGtk2 but it does not work since the function "gladeXMLNew" is no longer available (see this post).

> GUI <- gladeXMLNew("applicationwindow1")
Error: could not find function "gladeXMLNew"


  • User @nico pointed me to the solution:

    # the variable "filename" points to a Glade XML file
    # (which seems to be for Gtk2, not Gtk3 though)

    Still an open question: Is there a good tutorial for Glade with RGtk2?