I'm writing a vigenere cipher for a personal project and i am coming across a index error. it is saying IndexError: list index out of range
The line causing this is IndexValue = Alphabet.index(keyList[keyIncrement]) + Alphabet.index(plainTextChar)
Here is all of the code:
playing = True
string = ""
Alphabet = ('z','a','b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z')
while playing == True:
string = ""
eord = input('Type "d" to "decrypt" and "e" to "encrypt": ')
if eord == 'e':
texte = input ("Type your word to encrypt: ")
key1 = int(input("Choose a key between 1-26: "))
for letter in texte:
number = (ord(letter)) + (key1)
string = (str(string)) + (str(letter))
print (string)
keyword = input ("Type 'encrypt' code further or 'decrypt' further: ")
if keyword == 'encrypt':
plainText = input("Please enter the plain text: ")
key = input("Please enter the key: ")
keyList = []
keyLength = 0
while keyLength < len(plainText):
for char in key:
if keyLength < len(plainText):
keyLength = keyLength + 1
CipherText = []
IndexValue = 0
keyIncrement = 0
for plainTextChar in plainText:
IndexValue = Alphabet.index(keyList[keyIncrement]) + Alphabet.index(plainTextChar)
while IndexValue > 26:
IndexValue = IndexValue - 26
keyIncrement = keyIncrement + 1
print (''.join(CipherText))
finish = input('Would you like to go again Y or N')
if finish == 'n' or finish == 'N':
retry = input ("Would you like to go again? Y or N: ")
if retry == 'N' or retry == 'n':
print ("Please exit the window")
import time
import sys
elif eord == 'd':
texd = input ("Type your word to decrypt: ")
key2 = int(input("Choose a key between 1-16: "))
for letter in texd:
number = (ord(letter)) - (key2)
string = (str(string)) + (str(letter))
print (string)
keyword = input ("Type 'encrypt' code further or 'decrypt' further: ")
if keyword == 'decrypt':
plainText = input("Please enter the plain text: ")
key = input("Please enter the key: ")
keyList = []
keyLength = 0
while keyLength < len(plainText):
for char in key:
if keyLength < len(plainText):
keyLength = keyLength - 1
completeCipherText = []
cipherCharIndexValue = 0
keyIncrement = 0
for plainTextChar in plainText:
cipherCharIndexValue = Alphabet.index(keyList[keyIncrement]) + Alphabet.index(plainTextChar)
while cipherCharIndexValue > 26:
cipherCharIndexValue = cipherCharIndexValue + 26
keyIncrement = keyIncrement - 1
print (''.join(completeCipherText))
finish = input('Would you like to go again Y or N')
if finish == 'n' or finish == 'N':
retry = input ("Would you like to go again? Y or N: ")
if retry == 'N' or retry == 'n':
print ("Please exit the window")
import time
import sys
The section it is happening is this:
if keyword == 'encrypt':
plainText = input("Please enter the plain text: ")
key = input("Please enter the key: ")
keyList = []
keyLength = 0
while keyLength < len(plainText):
for char in key:
if keyLength < len(plainText):
keyLength = keyLength + 1
CipherText = []
IndexValue = 0
keyIncrement = 0
for plainTextChar in plainText:
IndexValue = Alphabet.index(keyList[keyIncrement]) + Alphabet.index(plainTextChar)
while IndexValue > 26:
IndexValue = IndexValue - 26
keyIncrement = keyIncrement + 1
print (''.join(CipherText))
What is wrong with the code because i tried using pycharm and it highlighted [keyIncrement]
but i don't know how to fix this. Thanks for any help in advance.
Your problem was this if keyLength < len(plainText):
statement blocking the for character in key
from adding each character to list before running the rest of the code.
while keyLength < len(plainText):
char = key[num]
except IndexError:
num = 0
char = key[num]
keyLength += 1
num += 1
CipherText = []
IndexValue = 0
keyIncrement = 0
for plainTextChar in plainText:
IndexValue = Alphabet.index(keyList[keyIncrement]) + Alphabet.index(plainTextChar)
while IndexValue > 26:
IndexValue = IndexValue - 26
keyIncrement = keyIncrement + 1
print (''.join(CipherText))
Test run:
Type "d" to "decrypt" and "e" to "encrypt": e
Type your word to encrypt: hello
Choose a key between 1-26: 3
Type 'encrypt' code further or 'decrypt' further: encrypt
Please enter the plain text: darrien
Please enter the key: brit
Would you like to go again Y or N