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Is there a version of setTimeout that returns an ES6 promise?

Similar to this question, but rather than asking about how promises work in general, I specifically want to know:

What is the standard/best way to wrap setTimeout in something that returns a Promise? I'm thinking something like Angular's $timeout function, but not Angular specific.


  • In Browsers

    First of all no - there is no built in for this. Lots of libraries that enhance ES2015 promises like bluebird whip with it.

    I think the other answer conflates executing the function and a delay, it also creates timeouts that are impossible to cancel. I'd write it simply as:

    function delay(ms){
        var ctr, rej, p = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
            ctr = setTimeout(resolve, ms);
            rej = reject;
        p.cancel = function(){ clearTimeout(ctr); rej(Error("Cancelled"))};
        return p; 

    Then you can do:

    delay(1000).then(/* ... do whatever */);


     doSomething().then(function(){ return delay(1000); }).then(doSomethingElse);

    If we only want the basic functionality in ES2015, it's even simpler as:

    let delay = ms => new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms));

    In Node

    You can use util.promisify on setTimeout to get a delay function back - meaning you don't have to use the new Promise constructor anymore.