i have attempted to write the code such that it will tell you to input your string. at which point you type a string for example lets say you type "purple" then press enter. the code will run and get the length, then instead of getting the first letter variable[0] as P and then lighting the LED in the code for P, it constantly interprets all letters as A. i know its going to be something small but ive only been learning python for a few days so try to be nice. i have previous experience with VB so i have most likely used the wrong syntax somewhere but i cant figure it out. PLEASE HELP.
i cant copy the code into this without rewriting it so im going to use screenshot links.
this is where i think the problem must be http://puu.sh/lUf9q/3ad50c4faf.png
and then this is how i've set the morse code patterns http://puu.sh/lUfgo/f6f3f2cb32.png
the reason there is 2 = and 1 == is because i was tinkering with them to see if they were the problem which they aren't
Thanks in advance
EDIT: apparently i have to edit it to say why its different to said thread. The way its different is: its not but I didn't realise that the problem in the thread was the problem i was having.
It is interpreting all letters as "a" because your if statement says
if curr = "A" or "a":
In fact == and = are different. One does assignment, and the other checks for equality. This if statement always executes because there is always one side of the or
that is true.
Try this instead
if curr.lower() == "a":