This probably is a rather simple question. I have found dozens of similar ones, asking how to generally shorten or extend the session life time in PHP. I know how to achieve that, my PHP script reads like this:
ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 3600);
This sets my sessions to time out after 3600 seconds. And this basically is what happens, when I initally open a website where I have to log in, I can work with it for exactly one hour, then all session data is being deleted and I need to log in again.
However, this is not the behavior I'd expect. I want my Sessions to time out after one hour of inactivity. So when I first open my website at 10:00 am, do something until 10:45, then it should time out at 11:45, not at 11:00 as it does now.
Any suggestions how to achieve this?
Use instead of session_set_cookie_params
-> setcookie
use this and call it on every page of your website
it will update session cookie expiration date on each execution till time()+$lifetime