Is it somehow possible to reuse fragments?
In an example like this
def unpublished_by_title(title) do
from p in Post,
where: is_nil(p.published_at) and
fragment("downcase(?)", p.title) == ^title
It seems like it would be very convenient to be able to extract fragment-part into a separate function so that it can be reused in other places, e.g.:
def unpublished_by_title(title) do
from p in Post,
where: is_nil(p.published_at) and
downcase(p.title) == ^title
def downcase(title) do
fragment("downcase(?)", ^title)
however, after trying many different variations it seems like this wouldn't work because of macro expansions or something like that. Any ideas?
You are right, queries are composed at compile time. Because of this, if you want to extend query syntax, you need to define macros instead of regular functions.
Something like the following should do the trick:
defmacro downcase(field) do
quote do
fragment("downcase(?)", unquote(field))
Remember you need to define macro before you use it.