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block all connections connected to a boost signal

boost signals allows temporarily blocking a connection via a connection member function. However, I have a single signal with many connections. The connections are stored and maintained by their respective listeners. Now the broadcaster decides that it wants to stop sending signals for a while. There does not seem to be a way to iterate all connections of a signal or disable the whole signal temporarily. This seems strange to me as surely such a mechanism must exist internally in order for the signal to reach all of its subscribers when signalled...
Am I missing something? How can I temporarily disable a signal?


  • I don't know of any way to do that directly. If you are willing to permanently disconnect all slots, you can use the disconnect_all_slots() method. For example:

    boost::signal<int ()> foo;

    If you need to temporarily block them, the best workaround I can come up with is to use a custom combiner that emulates that behaviour.

    #include <boost/signals.hpp>
    #include <iostream>
    //Define a reusable combiner that allows all slots to be blocked
    template <typename Combiner>
    struct blockable {
       typedef typename Combiner::result_type result_type;
       blockable() : blocked(false), combiner() {}
       //Block or unblock all slots
       void block() {blocked = true;}
       void unblock() {blocked = false;}
       template <typename InputIterator>
       result_type operator()(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) {
          //Either call into inner combiner, or throw if all slots are blocked
          if (!blocked) return combiner(first, last);
          throw std::runtime_error("All slots are blocked");
       bool blocked;
       Combiner combiner;
    //Quick and dirty sample using the blockable combiner
    int bar() {
       return 1;
    int main() {
       boost::signal<int (), blockable<boost::last_value<int> > > foo;
       try {
          //show that it works
          int x = foo();
          std::cout << x << std::endl;
          //Now block all slots
          int y = foo();
          //This won't run since the last call to foo() should throw
          std::cout << y << std::endl;
       } catch (std::exception& e) {
          //Should get here via 2nd call to foo()
          std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
       return 0;