I have a problem which involves gear optimization in a game, but i'll simplify it with this example:
I want to maximize the price i carry in all bags, but i have the following constraints:
The range of the number of items it's 200~300, and with 6*4=24 max items that can be choosen, it's impossible to brute force.
There are other factors, but those are outside of the combinatorial problem and can be solved by simple programming
Anyone knows a good aproach to this?
# Size of knapsack
param s;
# Total of items
param t;
# Type of items
set Z;
# Min bag
param m;
# Items: index, size, profit, count, type
set I, dimen 5;
# Indices
set J := setof{(i,s,p,o,z) in I} i;
# Assignment
var a{J}, binary;
#maximize profit
maximize obj :
sum{(i,s,p,o,z) in I} p*a[i];
/*s.t. size :
sum{(i,s,p,o,z) in I} s*a[i] <= c;*/
#constraint of total weight, but with the min value for each bag
#the min function doesn't work, it says argument for min has invalid type
#something about it not being a linear function
s.t. size :
sum{zz in Z} (
min(m, sum{(i,s,p,o,z) in I: zz=z} (s*a[i]) )
) <= c;
#constraint of number of items in each bag, i put an extra count number
#in the set so i could sum it and make it a constraint
s.t. count{zz in Z}:
sum{(i,s,p,o,z) in I: zz=z} o*a[i] <= t;
printf "The bag contains:\n";
printf {(i,s,p,o,z) in I: a[i] == 1} " %i", i;
printf "\n";
#set of type of items
set Z := 1 2 3 4;
# Total weight limit
param c := 100;
# Only 2 items per bag
param t := 2;
# Min bag value, if the bag weights less than it, then it counts as this value
param M := 10;
# Items: index, size, profit, count, type
set I :=
1 10 10 1 1
2 10 10 1 1
3 15 45 1 2
4 20 20 1 2
5 20 20 1 3
6 24 24 1 3
7 24 25 1 4
8 50 50 1 4;
Note: i used different values here to keep it small.
That's my model, it works without the min weight constraint, i just need for it to sum the minimum value of 50kg or the bag total, but the min
function doesn't work there. I tried this formula
(can't post images)
but i can't use the abs function either.
Can somebody point me in the right direction about this.
You can formulate your problem as a 0-1 integer program and solve it with GLPK or other linear programming solver (glpk is free). The only question: are you taking empty bags? Let
i = {1,2,3,4} -- set of item types
j -- set of items
x_ij = {0,1} -- decision variable for jth item of ith type
w_ij and p_ij -- weights and profits
max sum_ij p_ij*x_ij
subject to:
sum_j x_ij <= 6 for all i // at most 6 items in a bag
// if you need empty bags:
sum_ij w_ij*x_ij + 4*50 <= 700 kg // total weight
x_ij = {0,1} for all i and j.
if you don't need empty bags then the formulation becomes more complicated
max sum_ij p_ij*x_ij
subject to:
sum_j x_ij <= 6 for all i // at most 6 items in a bag
sum_ij w_ij*x_ij + 50*(sum_i y_i) <= 700 kg // total weight
y_i <= sum_j x_ij for all i
N*y_i >= sum_j x_ij for all i // N -- total number of items of ith type,
// fixed value, not a variable; e.g.,
// you have 10 items of each kind then N=10
y_i = {0,1} for all i
x_ij = {0,1} for all i and j.
If you need to solve the program once then I would suggest to write a cplex .lp file http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SS9UKU_12.4.0/com.ibm.cplex.zos.help/FileFormats/topics/LP.html and solve it with glpsolve; otherwise use c++ or python glpk callable libraries.
Update 1:
One can linearize the constraint min{50, sum_i x_i*w_i}
in two steps. For simplicity, consider one knapsack. Let
M -- the total possible weight (sum up all input items' weights)
y={0,1} -- when sum_i x_i*w_i >= 50 y=1, otherwise y=0
min{50, sum_i x_i*w_i} <= 100 is equivalent to
(0): (1-y)*50 + y*(sum_i x_i*w_i) <= 100
(1): My >= sum_i x_i*w_i - 50
(2): M(1-y) >= 50 - sum_i x_i*w_i
it's a bit unusual but it's correct. Indeed, when sum_i x_i*w_i >= 50
the solver have to set y
to 1 by constraint (1)
in the mean time (2)
is just 0 >= 50-sum_i x_i*w_i <= 0
, i.e., is redundant; when sum_i x_i*w_i < 50
, y=0 by (2)
and now (1)
is redundant.
The next step is to linearize the second term in (0)
. Let z_i = {0,1}
, it will represent y*x_i
term. Note that y*x_i
is 1 only when both terms are 1, otherwise it's 0. Hence,
y*(sum_i x_i*w_i) is equivalent to
sum_i z_i*w_i
2*z_i <= x_i + y, for all i
z_i >= x_i + y - 1, for all i
like before, it's easy to check that z_i = 1 only if x_i=y=1, otherwise it's 0.
After the linearization your constraint looks like the following:
(0): (1-y)*50 + (sum_i z_i*w_i) <= 100
(1): My >= sum_i x_i*w_i - 50
(2): M(1-y) >= 50 - sum_i x_i*w_i
(3): 2*z_i <= x_i + y, for all i
(4): z_i >= x_i + y - 1, for all i
y = {0,1}, z_i = {0,1}