I am trying to make a plot using matplotlib in ipython notebook.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
I get the desired plot, but when I try to close it, it hangs. I then have to force quit it, and restart the kernel.
If I run the same code from terminal, I can safely close the plot. The error is when using ipython notebook.
I am on OS X El Capitan (10.11.2), python 2.7. The issue began after updating to El Capitan.
Thanks in advance.
When your work in a notebook, it is better to display the plots inline. Turn on the inline mode:
In: [1] %matplotlib inline
Now, plot without the plt.show()
In: [2]import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In: [3]plt.plot(range(10))
The plot should appear right in the notebook.
For interactive plots in the notebook use mpld3. Just add these lines to your notebook:
import mpld3