This situation probably is not entirely uncommon to some of you: you have some functionality to put in a class but the perfect name (*) for that class is taken by one of the classes in the System
namespace or other namespace/class that's not yours but you're using
(*) By perfect I mean small, concise and clear names.
For instance I have an Utils
class that has a Diagnostics
(mostly debug utils) class and a Drawing
class. I could:
class and a DiagnosticsUtils
class, but that just smells like bad structure. I think options 1-3 aren't promising :(
Since my chosen answer doesn't address the problem definitively (neither I do), what I'd recommend for people facing the same situation is to ask yourselves: Will you frequently use the conflicting BCL class/namespace? If no, then let your name conflict (as I did with Diagnostics). If yes, add a word that limits the possibilities of your class/namespace.
In practice, this means:
: Something that draws.
: Something that draws only on MyCustomControl
. e.g.: "WidgetDrawing"
Another solution to take a look next time: Extension Methods (courtesy of Lawnmower).
Use namespaces to disambiguate your classes from the classes in other namespaces. Either use fully qualified names or a using statement that tells the compile what you need:
using Type = MyReallyCoolCustomReflector.Type;
Now if you want to still use the Type class from the System namespace:
System.Type sysType = anObject.GetType();
Generally I try to avoid name duplicates but this doesn't always work out that way. I also like simple, readable and maintainable code. So as often it is a trade-off decision.