I would like to use Matlab Simulink Real-Time C API to write programs (in C or in Java) that will work on a Linux machine. However the C API is a dll that is supposed to work only on a Windows machine.
Does Wine work with the Simulink Real-Time C API ?
EDIT : I am developing simulink models on a Windows computer. I then use this computer to load the Simulink model into the Xpc target (a Speedgoat machine).
When we go in production, the Xpc target computer is locally connected to a Linux computer. We have access via SSH to the Linux computer. If we want to update the simulink model of the Xpc target computer, the only way is to go via the Linux computer.
To use the host interface from linux, the only possibly I see is to contact the speedgoat support and hope for a library compiled for Linux or a protocol documentation. To communicate with the system there is no need to have any simulink component in between. My expectation is that you won't receive a positive answer, but give it a try. Especially receiving a protocol documentation would allow you to write fully platform independent code.
Having a speedgoat with an Ethernet host interface, another possibility is to establish a network connection between your development PC running Windows and the speedgoat using the Linux PC as a network bridge. If you need assistance setting up this, I recommend to ask a question at superuser.