Search code examples

Parsing XML Pastebin response, in Python

I'm trying to search for something on Pastebin, via their API. I'm searching using the pastebin library for python.

The problem is that I receive an XML response, that has repeating keys.

This is the response


So I am trying to parse it to return paste_key when paste_title == goodPaste, but the attrib is always empty

def parseXML(response):
    #I'm adding a root tag
    xml = ElementTree.fromstring('<list>' + response + '</list>')
    for child in root:
            for elem in child:
                print elem.tag, elem.attrib


    paste_key {}
    paste_date {}
    paste_title {}
    paste_size {}
    paste_expire_date {}
    paste_private {}
    paste_format_long {}
    paste_format_short {}
    paste_url {}
    paste_hits {}
    paste_key {}
    paste_date {}
    paste_title {}
    paste_size {}
    paste_expire_date {}
    paste_private {}
    paste_format_long {}
    paste_format_short {}
    paste_url {}
    paste_hits {}

EDIT: So I was supposed to use elem.text, so that's working now, but the main question still exists: How can I return the element where paste_key when paste_title == goodPaste

EDIT 2 Winning ticket:

result = xml.findall(".//paste[paste_title='goodPaste']/paste_key")
print result[0].text


  • You can use XPath for that:

    result = xml.findall(".//paste[paste_title='goodPaste']/paste_key")
    print result.text

    This should print fsfgdsgg in your case