I have a Matlab function for doing Runge-Kutta4k approximation for first-order ODE's, and I want to adapt it to work for second-order ODE's. Would anyone be able to help me get started? This is what I have for first order RK4K:
function [y,t,h] = rungekutta4kh(F,y0,a,b,n)
% Euler ODE solver
t = linspace(a,b,n);
h = t(2)-t(1);
y = zeros(n,1);
y(1) = y0;
for i=2:n
s1 = feval(F,t(i-1),y(i-1));
s2 = feval(F,t(i-1)+h/2,y(i-1)+ (h/2)*s1);
s3 = feval(F,t(i-1)+h/2,y(i-1)+ (h/2)*s2);
s4 = feval(F,t(i-1)+h,y(i-1)+ h*s3);
y(i) = y(i-1) + ...
(h/6)*( s1 + 2*s2 + 2*s3 + s4 );
You transform it into a first order system, which means that the function F
becomes vector valued and you should include the shape of y0
in the construction of the y
gets transformed to
so that (with matlab indexing)
F(x,y) = [ y(2), f(x,y(1),y(2)) ]