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MobileFirst: issue in calling an adapter without login after adding mobileSecurityTest

I had a security test for login which is as below

<customSecurityTest name="SingleStepAuthAdapter-securityTest">
            <test isInternalUserID="true" realm="SingleStepAuthRealm"/>
<realm loginModule="AuthLoginModule" name="SingleStepAuthRealm">
          <parameter name="login-function" value="AuthenticationService.onAuthRequired"/>
          <parameter name="logout-function" value="AuthenticationService.onLogout"/>

I have adapters that have to be called before login and they work fine until I am putthis piece of code in my authenticationConfig.xml for pushnotification

<mobileSecurityTest name="PushApplication-strong-mobile-securityTest">
        <testUser realm="SingleStepAuthRealm"/>
        <testDeviceId provisioningType="none"/>

The adapters that are called before login like forgot password are not working and not giving any error.Can any help me in understanding why this issue exits, do I need to put some wl_unprotected in these adapters.Because I have tried that to. Do I need to do any thing else.I can give you more details if you need something else.

Please help.


  • Finally found the solution ..

    I was putting security test for whole android app when I removed it worked for me...

    instead of this..

    <android version="1.0" securityTest="PushApplication-strong-mobile-securityTest">

    using this worked

    <android version="1.0" >