I have a blog C# tutorial. When i want to show post with specific label I found that some of my post was hidden.
Example: When i want to show post with label "Lập trình C#", i have this link: http://iceteaviet.blogspot.com/search/label/C%23%20Winform%20c%C4%83n%20b%E1%BA%A3n
I have exactly 13 post with this label, but the number of post showed here is only 10, and there is only 1 page. I have the same problem with all others label, while there is 8 - 10 post showed in the first page, and there is NOT the second page.
This is my xml (too long to show here): pastebin.com/Te12Lpee
Could anyone help me?
. This will impact as negative SEO technique on search engines.You're required to put dashes (-) between each word. for example
shall be as
after each label with going in blogger template section.