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Imitate multiple inheritance

There is a class First and constructor function Second. I'm trying to create a class Both as a child of both of them. More accurate, I'm copiing methods from constructor function prototype to child class prototype.

I do understand that it's not the real inheritance, but that's enough for me.

There is other problem. How can I make typescript to accept copied methods?

class First {
  someMethod() {
    console.log('someMethod from First');

function Second() {

Second.prototype.doSmth = function () { 
  console.log('doSmth from Second');

interface IBoth {

class Both extends First /* implements IBoth */ {
  constructor() {
    console.log('constructor of Both');

for (let key in Second.prototype) {
  Both.prototype[key] = Second.prototype[key];

In fact I need to see the metods one level deepper:

class Final extends Both {
  doIt() {
    //this.doSmth(); // How to make this call threated as correct?
    (this as any as IBoth).doSmth(); // That compiles, but it's awfull

if in this case methods won't be visible in class Both, it's ok.

I've already tryed:

  1. When writing

    class Both extends First implements IBoth {

    typesctipt says that I haven't implement interface methods.

  2. Renaming Both to _Both and using

    var Both = _Both as typeof _Both;

    leaves same problems as original code, as First is never mentoned.

  3. If I rename Both to _Both and write

    var Both = _Both as typeof IBoth;

    typescript can't find IBoth.

Are there some other ways to reach it?

You can try at
Full code there

Add this line and run the code (copy code from right panel to your browser console):

(new Final).doIt();

Output when line this.doSmth(); is not commented:

constructor of Both
someMethod from First
doSmth from Second
doSmth from Second

PS: Same question in Russian.


  • Try this:

    class Both extends First {
      constructor() {...}
      doSmth: typeof Second.prototype.doSmth;


    It's also better to have Second as a class instead of a function. Add a declaration file if that's a javascript module.

    Lastly, and if you can't have types for Second, just add types for each function like this:

    class Both extends First {
      constructor() {...}
      doSmth: () => void;