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Where can I find my Enterprise ID for Box API?

I'm using the Box API SDK for .Net, and trying to set it up to use JSON Web Tokens instead of OAuth2.

When I instantiate the BoxConfig object I need to provide the Enterprise ID:

var config = new BoxConfig( clientId, clientSecret, enterpriseId, jwtPrivateKey, jwtPrivateKeyPassword, jwtPublicKeyId );

Seeing some conflicting information:

Can someone point me to where, specifically, I could find the Enterprise ID?


  • You can find the Enterprise ID by going to the Admin Console -> Click the gear in the top right -> Click Business Settings (It may say Enterprise Settings or Elite Settings based on the account level). Under the Account Info tab you can see your Enterprise ID.

    You can also get directly to that page by going to while logged into the account. Note that only enterprise admins / co-admins with sufficient permissions will have access to that page, otherwise it will redirect to the account settings. In this case, you would need to contact your enterprise admin to get this Enterprise ID.