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Convert value to time format in R

I have values in the format "221559460" where first two is hour, other two is minute and following digits are in milliseconds. Is there any shortcut method to convert to time-series format without manually appending ":" in the value and calculating second from millisecond digits in R?


  • I think you cannot avoid some parsing here due to not having the "seconds" part, but it can be done fairly easily even with a simple regular expression:

    > sub(pattern     = '([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]*)',
    +     replacement = '\\1:\\2:\\3.\\4',
    +     x           = 221559460)
    [1] "22:15:59.460"
    > strptime(
    +     x = sub(pattern     = '([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]*)',
    +             replacement = '\\1:\\2:\\3.\\4',
    +             x           = 221559460),
    +     format = '%H:%M:%OS')
    [1] "2015-12-11 22:15:59 PST"

    Updated answer based on below comment:

    > options(digits.secs = 3)
    > strptime(
    +     x = sub(pattern     = '([0-9]{8})_([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]*)',
    +             replacement = '\\1 \\2:\\3:\\4.\\5',
    +             x           = '20150819_221559460'),
    +     format = '%Y%m%d %H:%M:%OS')
    [1] "2015-08-19 22:15:59.46 PDT"

    Update for vectorized example:

    > df <- data.frame(timestamp = paste('20150819', 221559460 + round(runif(10) * 100), sep = '_'))
    > strptime(sub('([0-9]{3})$', '.\\1', df$timestamp),'%Y%m%d_%H%M%OS')
     [1] "2015-08-19 22:15:59.517 PDT" "2015-08-19 22:15:59.550 PDT"
     [3] "2015-08-19 22:15:59.538 PDT" "2015-08-19 22:15:59.493 PDT"
     [5] "2015-08-19 22:15:59.484 PDT" "2015-08-19 22:15:59.549 PDT"
     [7] "2015-08-19 22:15:59.510 PDT" "2015-08-19 22:15:59.462 PDT"
     [9] "2015-08-19 22:15:59.466 PDT" "2015-08-19 22:15:59.474 PDT"