Basically I am following this tutorial:
But when it comes to building the manifest file into a .syso file using the akavel rsrc tool I am running into the following error:
rsrc : The term 'rsrc' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
I have run the go get and the package is in the goprojects folder and I am only changing the make of the manifest from 'test.manifest' to windowService.manifest' but this is updated in the command and I don't think this is my error?
IF you could shed any light on this I would be grateful as google doesn't seem to return anything helpful to this tool specifically!
If anyone runs into the same error you need to actually run the rsrc, so for me the steps were:
1) Navigate in command line to the location of rsrc.exe:
For me it was 'C:\GoProjects\bin'
2) Run the command:
.\rsrc.exe -manifest '*PATHTOMANIFESTLOCATION*' -o rsrc.syso
3) Copy the rsrc.syso file back to the location of my goproject before running go build.