I have a data (file) which contains 2 columns:
Seconds, Volts
0, -0.4238353
2.476346E-08, -0.001119718
4.952693E-08, -0.006520569
(..., thousands of similar entries in file)
4.516856E-05, -0.0002089292
How to calculate the frequency of the highest amplitude wave ? (Each wave is of fixed frequency).
Is there any difference between calculating frequency of seconds and amplitude vs. seconds and volts? Because in Frequency & amplitue there is seconds and amplitude example solved, so it might help in my case.
Your data is in the time domain, the question is about the frequency domain. Your course should have told you how the two are related. In two words: Fourier Transform. In practical programming, we use the FFT: Fast Fourier Tranform. If the input is a fixed frequency sine wave, your FFT output will have one hump. Model that as a parabola and find the peak of the parabola. (Finding the highest amplitude in the FFT is about 10 times less accurate)
The link you give is horrible; I've downvoted the nonsense answer there. In your example, time starts at t=0 and the solution given would do a 1/0.