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Wikidata Query Service - Bug on the 'Whose birthday is today?' SPARQL Query Examples

I was playing with the SPARQL query examples. The query 'Whose birthday is today' always ends up in a QueryTimeoutException (Query deadline is expired).

However If I change the birthdate property P569 to the death date property P570, the query runs without throwing an exception.

Is there something to do to have the birth query successfully executed?


  • I think the query is possibly too heavy for the wikibase service. If you just try to get all the properties through the person's properties, you will have success. I tried the following:

    PREFIX wikibase: <>
    PREFIX wdt: <>
    PREFIX rdfs: <>
    SELECT distinct ?name (year(?date) as ?year)  WHERE {   
        ?entityS wdt:P569 ?date .
        ?entityS wdt:P1477 ?name.
        FILTER (datatype(?date) = xsd:dateTime) 
        FILTER (month(?date) = month(now()))
        FILTER (day(?date) = day(now()))