I'm trying to use this component https://github.com/igorprado/react-notification-system in a standard fluxible project and am looking for guidance on how to adapt the sample code into an es6 style class.
Here's the original sample code:
var React = require('react');
var ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
var NotificationSystem = require('react-notification-system');
var MyComponent = React.createClass({
_notificationSystem: null,
_addNotification: function(event) {
message: 'Notification message',
level: 'success'
componentDidMount: function() {
this._notificationSystem = this.refs.notificationSystem;
render: function() {
return (
<button onClick={this._addNotification}>Add notification</button>
<NotificationSystem ref="notificationSystem" />
And here's my attempt to add it to a fluxible application component, should I add the notificationSystem object into state? Is using componentDidMount always reliable if I'm connecting to stores? How should I trigger the notification from an action - should I update a notificationStore that triggers the component or act on the component directly somehow from the action itself?
class Application extends React.Component {
//constructor(props) {
// super(props);
// this.state = {
// notificationSystem: this.refs.notificationSystem
// };
addNotification(event) {
message: 'Notification message',
level: 'success'
render() {
var Handler = this.props.currentRoute.get('handler');
return (
<Nav currentRoute={this.props.currentRoute} links={pages} />
<div className="main">
<Handler />
<NotificationSystem ref="notificationSystem" />
componentDidMount() {
this.state.notificationSystem = this.refs.notificationSystem;
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
const newProps = this.props;
if (newProps.pageTitle === prevProps.pageTitle) {
document.title = newProps.pageTitle;
You can store it on a property of your Application:
class Application extends React.Component {
//constructor(props) {
// super(props);
// this.state = {
// notificationSystem: this.refs.notificationSystem
// };
notificationSystem = null;
componentDidMount() {
this.notificationSystem = this.refs.notificationSystem;
addNotification(event) {
message: 'Notification message',
level: 'success'
Or if you want a more complete example using flux pattern:
This answer was based on: https://github.com/igorprado/react-notification-system/issues/29#issuecomment-157219303
React component that will trigger the notification:
_saveFileStart() {
title: 'Saving file',
message: 'Please wait until your file is saved...',
position: 'tc',
autoDismiss: 0,
dismissible: false
render() {
<button onClick={ this._saveFileStart.bind(this) }>Save file</button>
Notification actions, there is a .info()
alias to trigger notifications with level info
constructor() {
this.generateActions('add', 'remove', 'success', 'error', 'warning', 'info');
(I'm using the alt generator to generate the add
action, remove
and some aliases)
Notification store
constructor() {
this.state = {
notification: null,
intent: null
onInfo(notification) {
return this._add(notification, 'info');
_add(notification, level) {
if (!notification) return false;
if (level) notification.level = level;
return this.setState({ notification, intent: 'add' });
React component that will render the Notification component on a top level HTML element
componentDidMount() {
const { flux } = this.props;
_handleNotificationChange = ({ notification, intent }) => {
if (intent === 'add') {
render() {
return <ReactNotificationSystem ref='notifications' />;
This answer was based on: https://github.com/igorprado/react-notification-system/issues/29#issuecomment-157219303