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How to I create a folder just like /data in arm Android devices?

I want to create a folder in android arm targets which will be like /data which has has read-write permission? I followed following steps in init.rc:-

  1. mkdir /home 0771 system system

  2. chown system system /home

  3. chmod 0771 /home

After these commands folder created has following permissions : -

drwxrwx--x system system 2012-01-01 00:42 home

but when I Create folder in it showing error as shown below : -

enter image description here

Do I need to add more commands in init.rc to create this folder which will lets me create new folders and files into it.


  • I was able to create directory in root with read write permissions (steps) : -

    1. mkdir /home 0771 system system

    2. chown system system /home

    3. chmod 0771 /home

    4. mount -o remount,rw /home /
