I have a program that needs to process files at batch. Instead of showing errors in message boxes on screen (which will pause the execution of the program) I need to show those error messages in a Log that the user can see as the program executes.
So I DON'T need a program-execution log like this Which logging library is better?
I am using now something derived from TRichEdit. Basically, a rich edit with few extra methods like AddError(s), AddWarn(s), AddVerbose(s), etc.
TRichLog = class(TMyRichEdit)
Indent: Integer; { Indent new added lines x spaces }
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
procedure AddBold (CONST Mesaj: string);
procedure AddMsg (CONST Mesaj: string);
procedure AddMsgLvl (CONST Mesaj: string; MsgType: Integer);
procedure AddColorMsg (CONST Mesaj: string; Culoare: TColor);
procedure AddVerb (CONST Mesaj: string);
procedure AddHint (CONST Mesaj: string);
procedure AddInfo (CONST Mesaj: string);
procedure AddPath (CONST Mesaj: string);
procedure AddWarn (CONST Mesaj: string);
procedure AddError (CONST Mesaj: string);
procedure AddMsgInt (CONST Mesaj: string; i: Integer); { Adds a message text followed by an integer }
procedure AddInteger (CONST i: Integer);
procedure AddFromFile (CONST FileName: string; MsgType: Integer); { Reads lines from the specified file and adds them to the log using the specified color. }
procedure AddEmptyRow;
procedure AddDateStamp;
procedure Append (RamLog: TObject); { RamLog will be typecased to TRamLog }
procedure SaveAsRtf (CONST FullPath: string);
procedure AppendToFile(CONST FullPath: string);
function VerbosityAsString: string;
property InsertTime: Boolean read FInsertTime write FInsertTime default FALSE;
property InsertDate: Boolean read FInsertDate write FInsertDate default FALSE;
property AutoScroll: Boolean read FAutoScroll write FAutoScroll default TRUE; { Automatically scroll to show the last line }
property Verbosity : Integer read FVerbosity write FVerbosity default vHints;
property OnLogError: TNotifyEvent read FLogError write FLogError; { Can be used to inform the application to automatically switch to log when an error is listed }
property OnLogWarn : TNotifyEvent read FLogWarn write FLogWarn;
But I would like to let user dynamically filter the context. For example the user should be able to hide all Verbose messages and keep only the warnings and errors. And if the user changes his mind, to put back the verbose messages.
Can the (existing) text in RichEdit be filtered this way? If not, I would like to get some pointers about how to reimplement it. I am thinking about writing my own format to keep the lines/messages. For example:
Cannot open file,#msgErr,#Bold
The I would have a TStringGrid to display only a limited number of lines (the ones that are visible on screen). This way I could have millions of lines without actually rendering all of them on screen. Time wasted parsing won't matter since I only have to parse the visible lines.
An alternative would be not to use the Grid and to draw the text myself (for example in a TPanel-derived component). Or maybe such control already exists.
Any constructive critics of my ideas would be welcome. Do you have a better idea than using a Grid?
IMHO we may make a difference between:
From your comments, sounds like if you need the 2nd kind, which is usually also called "Audit Trail", especially in terms or regulation.
We usually implement high-level "Audit Trail" by storing the events in a database. For instance, a local high-performance SQLite3 database, or a MongoDB centralized instance.
Using a RDBMS (or NoSQL DB) has several advantages:
We usually do this on production, using our Open Source SOA framework: all service calls can be directly written in a SQlite3 or MongoDB instance, without any code to write! Then you could even search within the parameters using JSON queries. And you still have integrated low-level logging available.