Java android video ffmpeg trim I want to trim a video just like trimmed in whatsapp, instagram or vine, where user can select the duration from below showing trim bar.
I am also using FFMPEG, so once user selects the duration. But FFMPEG integartions are not going smooth. If any idea than leme know.
If you mean that you are finding ffmpeg hard to integrate then its worth being aware there are different ways to integrate ffmpeg, and one common way which is probably easiest is you simply want to get the functionality working quickly is to use a 'wrapper' around the ffmpeg command line exec.
There are several fairly well used wrappers available on GitHub - the ones below are particularly well featured and documented (note, I have not used these as they were not so mature when I was looking at this previously, but if I was doing something like this again now I would definitely build on one of these):
Because this approach uses the standard ffmpeg cmd line syntax for commands it also means you should be able to search and find help easily on multiple different operations (as anyone using ffmpeg in 'normal' model will use the same syntax for the ffmpeg command itself).