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Azure Service Bus Queues slow to send message

So I'm trying to send a message to an Azure Service Bus Queue from node.js I'm using the boilerplate code as described in the Azure documentation.

var message = {
body: 'Test message',
customProperties: {
    testproperty: 'TestValue'
serviceBusService.sendQueueMessage('myqueue', message, function(error){
    // message sent

When I send a single message every few seconds it works fine and I'm able to see the message get picked up by my worker after a second or so, but once I start sending more messages (5-10 per second) it looks like it starts choking and I see a performance decrease to only sending out a message every 5 - 8 seconds. Is there Any way to increase the performance and keep the FIFO ordering? Could this be an issue of latency since I'm running my node code and my worker locally?

NOTE: I'm using basic non-partitioned queues.


  • To optimize sending performance of Service Bus, we can leverage client-side batching if your application support asynchronous Send and Complete operations. You can get details on official article

    However, client using batch to send messages is only integrated in .Net SDK, in Node.js we should implement custom requests via REST API

    To implement custom requests via REST API, we need to create the authentication credentials first on Azure portal:

    • Go to Azure Managment Portal, in the menu on the left select "SERVICE BUS".
    • Select the Namespace you created.
    • On the top menu select QUEUES.
    • Select the QUEUE to go to the details screen
    • Go to the CONFIGURE tab and go to the section "Shared access policies"
    • Create a new policy, enter a name and select the "Send" permission for sending messages
    • Save it by pressing the SAVE button at the bottom of the page
    • Go to the section "Shared access key generator"
    • Select your Policy and copy the PRIMARY KEY
    • Save this key, you will use it later

    Then you can leverage this code sample to generate the SAS Token for sending batch messages,

    Here is the code snippet:

    var https = require('https');
    var crypto = require('crypto');
    // ServiceBus parameters
    var namespace = '<Your-ServiceBus-Namespace>';
    var queue ='<Your-Queue>';
    var AccessKeyName = '<Your-AccessKey-Name>';
    var AccessKey = '<Your-AccessKey>';
    // Full ServiceBus Queue publisher URI
    var ServiceBusUri = 'https://' + namespace + '' + '/' + queue;
    function createSASToken(uri, keyName, key) {
                    var expiry = parseInt(;
                    var signedString = encodeURIComponent(uri) + '\n' + expiry;
                    var hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', key);
                    var signature = hmac.digest('base64');
                    var token = 'SharedAccessSignature sr=' + encodeURIComponent(uri) + '&sig=' + encodeURIComponent(signature) + '&se=' + expiry + '&skn=' + keyName;
                    return token;
    var createdSASToken = createSASToken(ServiceBusUri, AccessKeyName, AccessKey);
    var options = {
                    hostname: namespace + '.' + '',
                    port: 443,
                    path: '/' + queue + '/messages',
                    method: 'POST',
                    headers: {
                                    'Authorization': createdSASToken,
                                    'Content-Type': 'application/',
    var req = https.request(options, function(res) {
                    console.log("SendMessageInQueue:statusCode: ", res.statusCode);
                    res.on('data', function(d) {
    req.on('error', function(e) {
    var messages = [{
                    "Body": "This is the first message"
    }, {
                    "Body": "This is the second message"
    }, {
                    "Body": "This is the third message"

    This solution is based on