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Looping in Prolog metainterpreter

I'm writing a trivial metainterpreter in Prolog for self-education. Basically I want to carry along the "probability" of a given solution. To do this I just declare the probability of my clause being correct. I expect if this works I will extend it with a better foundation but for now I'm just interested in solving the immediate problem, which is that my metainterpreter loops:


fuzzy_prove(true, 1.0) :- !.
fuzzy_prove(probability(P), P) :- !.
fuzzy_prove((A,B), Prob) :-
    fuzzy_prove(A, P1),
    fuzzy_prove(B, P2),
    Prob is P1 * P2.
fuzzy_prove(A, P) :-
    clause(A, B), fuzzy_prove(B, P).

father(dave, jean).
father(dave, don) :- probability(0.5).
father(don, claudia).
father(don, jimmy) :- probability(0.5).
father(jean, davey).

grandfather(Grandpop, Babs) :-
    father(Grandpop, Dad),
    father(Dad, Babs).

My queries seem at first to work:

?- fuzzy_prove(grandfather(X, Z), Prob).
X = dave,
Z = davey,
Prob = 1.0 ;
X = dave,
Z = claudia,
Prob = 0.5 ;
X = dave,
Z = jimmy,
Prob = 0.25 ;

When I ask for the next solution, I get crazy looping. If I interrupt it, it looks like this:

continue (trace mode)
   Call: (3,973,299) fuzzy_prove(call((father(_G3, _G28), father(_G28, _G4))), _G5) ? 
^  Call: (3,973,300) clause(call((father(_G3, _G28), father(_G28, _G4))), _G2044) ? 
^  Exit: (3,973,300) clause(call((father(_G3, _G28), father(_G28, _G4))), call((father(_G3, _G28), father(_G28, _G4)))) ? 
   Call: (3,973,300) fuzzy_prove(call((father(_G3, _G28), father(_G28, _G4))), _G5) ? 
^  Call: (3,973,301) clause(call((father(_G3, _G28), father(_G28, _G4))), _G2051) ? 
^  Exit: (3,973,301) clause(call((father(_G3, _G28), father(_G28, _G4))), call((father(_G3, _G28), father(_G28, _G4)))) ? 
   Call: (3,973,301) fuzzy_prove(call((father(_G3, _G28), father(_G28, _G4))), _G5) ? 
^  Call: (3,973,302) clause(call((father(_G3, _G28), father(_G28, _G4))), _G2058) ? 
^  Exit: (3,973,302) clause(call((father(_G3, _G28), father(_G28, _G4))), call((father(_G3, _G28), father(_G28, _G4)))) ? 
   Call: (3,973,302) fuzzy_prove(call((father(_G3, _G28), father(_G28, _G4))), _G5) ? 
^  Call: (3,973,303) clause(call((father(_G3, _G28), father(_G28, _G4))), _G2065) ? 
^  Exit: (3,973,303) clause(call((father(_G3, _G28), father(_G28, _G4))), call((father(_G3, _G28), father(_G28, _G4)))) ? 
   Call: (3,973,303) fuzzy_prove(call((father(_G3, _G28), father(_G28, _G4))), _G5) ? 
^  Call: (3,973,304) clause(call((father(_G3, _G28), father(_G28, _G4))), _G2072) ? 
^  Exit: (3,973,304) clause(call((father(_G3, _G28), father(_G28, _G4))), call((father(_G3, _G28), father(_G28, _G4)))) ? 

I'm sure I'm doing something obviously stupid but I'm having trouble seeing what it is.


  • Your clause with (,) functors matches twice: both the 3rd and 4th clauses of fuzzy_prove, when it matches the 4th clause it will eventually loop infinitely because the clause body is itself an and and cannot be simplified.

    This query will demonstrate what is happening:

    clause(grandfather(A,B), C0), clause(C0, C1), clause(C1, C2).

    On my interpreter at least C1 = C2, and we have an infinite loop.

    You need at least to check that the functor of your clause body is not (,) before recursing. I suspect there will be other corner cases like this so it may in fact be better to work out how to handle the call functor correctly.