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Excel Find and compare values over multiple columns if condition met

I have a table with rows representing clients and, each month, i add a column on each row representing the type of orders they make (A, B or C).

I need to identify every client who made an order of type A (in any month) and then, in one of the following months, made a type C order.

However, IF after going from "A" to a "C" type order (one or more months doing a "C"), the client returns to an "A", i don't need to identify him.

"B" orders are indifferent after finding an "A" order

Example given:

Client  M1  M2  M3  M4  Identify
  01    A   B   C   C     Yes
  02    A   B   C   A      No
  03    A   C   B   A      No
  04    B   B   A   C     Yes
  05    B   A   C   B     Yes
  06    C   A   B   B      No
  07    A   A   A   C     Yes
  08    A   A   A   A      No
  09    A   C   A   C     Yes
  10    A   C   C   A      No


I don't know if i can do it with a simple formula or using VBA.

EDITED: Since every month i add a new column, formula or VBA should consider all possibilities (like "ACCA", "ACCCCA", and so on). Also added clients 07, 08, 09 and 10 as an example.

Thank you in advance.



  • without VBA an easy way would be: (in F2 and then copy down)


    As an "OnlyDoesWhatIAskedFor"-UDF put this in module:

    Public Function getOrder(rng As Range) As String
      Dim runner As Variant, i As Long, comb As Variant
      comb = Array("A", "C", "A")
      getOrder = "No"
      For Each runner In rng.Value
        If runner = comb(i) Then
          If i = 2 Then getOrder = "No": Exit Function
          If i = 1 Then getOrder = "Yes"
          i = i + 1
        ElseIf runner = comb(0) Then
          i = 1
        ElseIf runner <> "B" Then
          i = 0
        End If
    End Function

    then in the cell to output (asuming F2 and simply copy down)


    it just checks for the A-C order in the range while B will be ignored and A-C-A also outputs "No"...


    If only the last AC/ACA count then you would need something like this: (in Module)

    Public Function getResult(rng As Range) As String
      Dim a As Variant, b As String
      'Col W - changes the cells to one long string / "B" will be left out
      For Each a In rng.Value
        If a <> "B" Then b = b & a
      'Col X - skips xxACAxx to Axx till no ACA is left
      While InStr(b, "ACA")
        b = Mid(b, InStr(b, "ACA") + 2)
      '<~~~ add from here for ACCA = "No" (ACCAC will still be "YES")
      While InStr(b, "ACCA")
        b = Mid(b, InStr(b, "ACCA") + 2)
      '<~~~ add till here for ACCA = "No" (ACCAC will still be "YES")
      'Col Y - Checks if an AC is found in the leftover
      'Col Z - if the check is >0 then it will be YES else No
      If InStr(b, "AC") Then getResult = "Yes" Else getResult = "No"
    End Function

    You can see each step it does in the following picture: enter image description here