I am trying something like this.
<select data-ng-model="modelName"
data-ng-options="item.id as (item.id + ' - ' +item.name) for item in options">
<option value=''>Select</option>
{{options | filter:modelName}}
options are an array of object. The object structure is {id:XYZ, name:ABC}. So array is
[{id:XYZ, name:ABC},{id:XYZ1, name:ABC1},{id:XYZ2, name:ABC2}]
For above code my output is being
{id:XYZ, name:ABC}
But I want only 'ABC'
Note: I know that I can use custom filter for it. But is there any better approach? Certainly for this small thing I do not want to create any directive also.
You can just wrap the entire angular expression with a bracket and access the first item's name
{{ (options | filter:modelName)[0].name }}