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PhpStorm server using codeigniter

When developing a project using the IDE PhpStorm Codeigniter have the problem that if I do not generate a server does not send me the url of the controller to use the debug port , and if I think it also gives me a server to access failures . I do not know which is the optimal setting .

http://localhost:63342/U5AP1E2Alex/index.php (U5AP1E2Alex is the project's folder) It`s OK

http://localhost:63342/U5AP1E2Alex/index.php/tienda/index (Function index in controller Tienda) It's KO - 404 Not Found

If I build a Deployment Server I have problems too.. What's better configuration??


  • CodeIgniter 3v + Common checks 404 error.

    1: Check file name has first letter upper case:


    2: Check class name has first letter upper case:

    class Tienda extends CI_Controller {
        public function index() {

    Make sure your config base url is not empty

    $config['base_url'] = 'http://localhost:63342/U5AP1E2Alex/';

    If your url http://localhost:63342/U5AP1E2Alex/index.php/tienda/ index then that should go direct to index function no need to have the function index at end of url

    You may need to configure some routes

    $route['tienda'] = 'tienda/index';

    Or if in sub folder i.e controllers > some_folder > Tienda.php

    $route['tienda'] = 'some_folder/tienda/index';


    If you do not need index.php in url then I suggest you remove it by making this blank like below.

    $config['index_page'] = '';

    And adding a htaccess file in your main directory. Some htaccess Examples