Per acquisition of by Google/, I am required to migrate my production "static" HTML app prior to 22-Dec-2015. I have installed the latest firebase-tools
CLI and updated to the latest divshot
CLI and otherwise prepared my environment.
I have followed all guidance from divshot but receive the following error when trying to deploy
Jeffs-rMBP:insider-web jeff [develop] $ cp -p divshot.production.json divshot.json
Jeffs-rMBP:insider-web jeff [develop] $ divshot migrate
Migrating Divshot app insider-web to Firebase Hosting
What is your Firebase project's name? (insider-web) insider
Can we anonymously report which features your app used (for Firebase Hosting roadmap planning, etc.)? (y/n) y
Write firebase.json? (y/n) y
⚠ Warning: The following incompatible features were detected.
- clean_urls support is planned for Firebase Hosting, but is not yet available
- Firebase Hosting does not support AJAX proxying
Don't panic! Some features may be coming soon or there may be workarounds.
Contact with any questions.
You need to take the following actions to fully migrate your app:
- Rename error.html to 404.html
Wrote firebase.json configuration file.
If you have the latest version of firebase-tools you should now be able
to run firebase serve in this directory to start a local server and
firebase deploy to deploy to Firebase Hosting.
See for additional migration info.
Jeffs-rMBP:insider-web jeff [develop] $
I followed the guidance per renaming error.html
to 404.html
Jeffs-rMBP:insider-web jeff [develop] $ cp -p error.html 404.html
Jeffs-rMBP:insider-web jeff [develop] $
Looked good up to this point, but after attempting to deploy, I get this message:
Jeffs-rMBP:insider-web jeff [develop] $ firebase deploy
Error: Authentication required.
Jeffs-rMBP:insider-web jeff [develop] $
Here is my original divshot.json
Jeffs-rMBP:insider-web jeff [develop] $ cat divshot.json
"name": "insider-web",
"root": "./",
"clean_urls": true,
"error_page": "error.html",
"proxy": {
"api": {
"origin": "",
"headers": {
"Accept": "application/json"
"cookies": false,
"timeout": 30
Jeffs-rMBP:insider-web jeff [develop] $
and here is the resulting firebase.json
Jeffs-rMBP:insider-web jeff [develop] $ cat firebase.json
"firebase": "insider",
"public": "./",
"ignore": [
Jeffs-rMBP:insider-web jeff [develop] $
Additional notes:
I am able to successfully run firebase serve
and launch my app locally at localhost:5000
- my initial landing page renders successfully and behaves correctly.
You need to login via the command line:
firebase login
This will open up a browser window for you to login via your Google account. Make sure it's the account that owns the insider
Firebase app.
From what you have shwon, the only Firebase you currently own is named glowing-heat-3960
. Change the firebase
property in your firebase.json
"firebase": "glowing-heat-3960",
"public": "./",
"ignore": [
After that you should be able to successfully deploy.