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Get Signal from tap on UIButton in Reactive Cocoa 4

How can I create a Signal from a tap on a UIButton?

So far I tried to use target/action, but have come to think that there might be an easier way.

In an article of Colin Eberhardt, it is stated that Signals are appropriate for UI actions. But when I tried to make my around with target/action, I needed to create a CocoaAction was ultimately initialised with a SignalProducer.

What I want is some Signal that emits its next events with every user tap. I then want to transform this Signal to read from UITextFields and carry on those values to use them in my application.


  • Using convenience functions from this gist by @NachoSoto, I was able to achieve this quite simply with signalForControlEvents(UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside) :

          .map { _ in (self.name1TextField.text!, self.name2TextField.text!)}
          .observe { event in
              if let names = event.value {
                  print("received names \(names)")