Michael Caisse gave a talk on Spirit X3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSBWklPLRvw. I've tried to transcribe the presentation to working code, but I have compilation errors that include "No viable overloaded '='" and "No matching function call to 'move_to.' Is my phrase_parse (last line) defined correctly? Are there any obvious errors?
#include <boost/config/warning_disable.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3/support/ast/variant.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/std_pair.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/io.hpp>
#include <boost/container/stable_vector.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
namespace client { namespace ast
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
using string_t = std::string;
using double_t = double;
using float_t = double;
using int_t = int64_t;
using bool_t = bool;
struct null_t {};
class value;
using object_t = std::map<std::string, value>;
using object_member_t = object_t::value_type;
using array_t = boost::container::stable_vector<value>;
class value : public x3::variant<null_t, bool_t, string_t, int_t, double_t, object_t, array_t>
using value_type = value;
using base_type::base_type;
using base_type::operator=;
value(null_t val = null_t{}) : base_type(val) {}
value(char const* val) : base_type(string_t(val)) {}
template<typename T>
value(T val, typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type) : base_type(double_t{val}) {}
template<typename T>
value(T val, typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value::type>) : base_type(int_t{val}) {}
struct json_class;
using json_type = x3::rule<json_class, value>;
json_type const json = "json";
// identifier_class id
// identifier_type type
// identifier_def rule def
// identifier the rule
struct value_class;
struct object_class;
struct member_pair_class;
struct array_class;
using value_type = x3::rule<value_class, value>;
using object_type = x3::rule<object_class, object_t>;
using member_pair_type = x3::rule<member_pair_class, object_member_t>;
using array_type = x3::rule<array_class, array_t>;
value_type const value = "value";
object_type const object = "object";
member_pair_type const member_pair = "member_pair";
array_type const array = "array";
auto const append = [](auto& ctx){ _val(ctx) += _attr(ctx); };
using uchar = unsigned char;
x3::uint_parser<uchar, 16, 4, 4> const hex4 = {};
auto push_esc = [](auto& ctx)
auto& utf8 = _val(ctx);
switch (_attr(ctx))
case '"' : utf8 += '"'; break;
case '\\': utf8 += '\\'; break;
case '/' : utf8 += '/'; break;
case 'b' : utf8 += '\b'; break;
case 'f' : utf8 += '\f'; break;
case 'n' : utf8 += '\n'; break;
case 'r' : utf8 += '\r'; break;
case 't' : utf8 += '\t'; break;
auto push_utf8 = [](auto& ctx)
typedef std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> insert_iter;
insert_iter out_iter(_val(ctx));
boost::utf8_output_iterator<insert_iter> utf8_iter(out_iter);
*utf8_iter++ = _attr(ctx);
auto const escape = ('u' > hex4) [push_utf8]
| x3::char_("\"\\/bfnrt") [push_esc];
auto const char_esc = '\\' > escape;
auto const double_quoted = x3::lexeme[ '"' > *(char_esc) | (x3::char_("\x20\x21\x23-\x5b\x5d\x7e")) [append] > '"' ];
struct unicode_string_class;
using unicode_string_type = x3::rule<unicode_string_class, std::string>;
unicode_string_type const unicode_string = "unicode_string";
auto const unicode_string_def = double_quoted;
auto const null_value = x3::lit("null") >> x3::attr(null_t{});
x3::int_parser<int64_t> const int_ = {};
x3::ascii::bool_type const bool_value = {};
auto const object_def = x3::lit('{') >> -(member_pair % ',') >> x3::lit('}');
auto const member_pair_def = unicode_string >> ':' >> value;
auto const array_def = x3::lit('[') >> -(value % ',') >> x3::lit(']');
auto const value_def = null_value | bool_value | object | array | unicode_string
| x3::lexeme[!('+' | (-x3::lit('-') >> '0' >> x3::digit)) >> x3::int_ >> !x3::char_(".eE")]
| x3::lexeme[!('+' | (-x3::lit('-') >> '0' >> x3::digit)) >> x3::double_ ];
BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(value, object, member_pair, array);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
std::string storage; // We will read the contents here.
using boost::spirit::x3::ascii::space;
std::string::const_iterator iter = storage.begin();
std::string::const_iterator iter_end = storage.end();
client::ast::object_t o;
auto const grammar = client::ast::value;
bool r = phrase_parse(iter, iter_end, grammar, space, o);
Okay, I had to iron out quite a few errors/quirks.
Part of my ironing has been clean-ups of things I usually do differently. Here's the working result:
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/config/warning_disable.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3/support/ast/variant.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/std_pair.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/io.hpp>
#include <boost/container/stable_vector.hpp>
#include <iterator>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
namespace client {
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
namespace ast
using string_t = std::string;
using double_t = double;
using float_t = double;
using int_t = int64_t;
using bool_t = bool;
struct null_t {};
class value;
using object_t = std::map<std::string, value>;
using object_member_t = object_t::value_type;
using member_pair_t = std::pair<object_t::key_type, object_t::mapped_type>;
using array_t = boost::container::stable_vector<value>;
class value : public x3::variant<null_t, bool_t, string_t, int_t, double_t, object_t, array_t>
using value_type = value;
using base_type::base_type;
using base_type::operator=;
value(null_t val = null_t{}) : base_type(val) {}
value(char const* val) : base_type(string_t(val)) {}
template<typename T>
value(T val, typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type) : base_type(double_t{val}) {}
template<typename T>
value(T val, typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value::type>) : base_type(int_t{val}) {}
namespace parser
auto const append = [](auto& ctx){ x3::_val(ctx) += x3::_attr(ctx); };
using uchar = unsigned char;
x3::uint_parser<uchar, 16, 4, 4> const hex4 = {};
auto push_esc = [](auto& ctx) {
auto& utf8 = x3::_val(ctx);
switch (x3::_attr(ctx))
case '"' : utf8 += '"'; break;
case '\\': utf8 += '\\'; break;
case '/' : utf8 += '/'; break;
case 'b' : utf8 += '\b'; break;
case 'f' : utf8 += '\f'; break;
case 'n' : utf8 += '\n'; break;
case 'r' : utf8 += '\r'; break;
case 't' : utf8 += '\t'; break;
auto push_utf8 = [](auto& ctx) {
typedef std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> insert_iter;
insert_iter out_iter(x3::_val(ctx));
boost::utf8_output_iterator<insert_iter> utf8_iter(out_iter);
*utf8_iter++ = x3::_attr(ctx);
auto const escape = ('u' > hex4) [push_utf8]
| x3::char_("\"\\/bfnrt") [push_esc];
auto const char_esc = '\\' > escape;
auto const double_quoted = x3::lexeme[
'"' > *(char_esc | (x3::char_("\x20\x21\x23-\x5b\x5d-\x7e") [append])) > '"'
auto const unicode_string
= x3::rule<struct unicode_string_class, std::string> { "unicode_string" }
= double_quoted;
auto const null_value = x3::lit("null") >> x3::attr(ast::null_t{});
x3::ascii::bool_type const bool_value = {};
using value_type = x3::rule<struct value_class, ast::value>;
static value_type const value = "value";
auto const member_pair = x3::rule<struct member_pair_class, ast::member_pair_t> { "member_pair" }
= unicode_string >> ':' >> value;
auto const object = x3::rule<struct object_class, ast::object_t> { "object" }
= x3::lit('{') >> -(member_pair % ',') >> x3::lit('}');
auto const array = x3::rule<struct array_class, ast::array_t> { "array" }
= x3::lit('[') >> -(value % ',') >> x3::lit(']');
x3::real_parser<double, x3::strict_real_policies<double> > const double_ = {};
x3::int_parser<int64_t> const int_ = {};
auto const value_def = null_value | bool_value | object | array | unicode_string | double_ | int_ ;
auto const json = x3::skip(x3::ascii::space) [ value ];
int main()
std::string storage = R"({ "check": [ 1,2,3, null, true ], "more": { "nested" : "values" } })";
client::ast::value o;
return parse(storage.begin(), storage.end(), client::parser::json, o)? 0 : 255;
<try>{ "check": [ 1,2,3, </try>
<try>{ "check": [ 1,2,3, </try>
<try> "check": [ 1,2,3, n</try>
<try> "check": [ 1,2,3, n</try>
<success>: [ 1,2,3, null, tru</success>
<attributes>[c, h, e, c, k]</attributes>
<try> [ 1,2,3, null, true</try>
<try>[ 1,2,3, null, true </try>
<try>[ 1,2,3, null, true </try>
<try> 1,2,3, null, true ]</try>
<try>1,2,3, null, true ],</try>
<try>1,2,3, null, true ],</try>
<try>1,2,3, null, true ],</try>
<success>,2,3, null, true ], </success>
<try>2,3, null, true ], "</try>
<try>2,3, null, true ], "</try>
<try>2,3, null, true ], "</try>
<try>2,3, null, true ], "</try>
<success>,3, null, true ], "m</success>
<try>3, null, true ], "mo</try>
<try>3, null, true ], "mo</try>
<try>3, null, true ], "mo</try>
<try>3, null, true ], "mo</try>
<success>, null, true ], "mor</success>
<try> null, true ], "more</try>
<success>, true ], "more": { </success>
<try> true ], "more": { "</try>
<success> ], "more": { "neste</success>
<success>, "more": { "nested"</success>
<attributes>[1, 2, 3, , 1]</attributes>
<success>, "more": { "nested"</success>
<attributes>[1, 2, 3, , 1]</attributes>
<success>, "more": { "nested"</success>
<attributes>[[c, h, e, c, k], [1, 2, 3, , 1]]</attributes>
<try> "more": { "nested" </try>
<try> "more": { "nested" </try>
<success>: { "nested" : "valu</success>
<attributes>[m, o, r, e]</attributes>
<try> { "nested" : "value</try>
<try>{ "nested" : "values</try>
<try> "nested" : "values"</try>
<try> "nested" : "values"</try>
<success> : "values" } }</success>
<attributes>[n, e, s, t, e, d]</attributes>
<try> "values" } }</try>
<try>"values" } }</try>
<try>"values" } }</try>
<try>"values" } }</try>
<success> } }</success>
<attributes>[v, a, l, u, e, s]</attributes>
<success> } }</success>
<attributes>[v, a, l, u, e, s]</attributes>
<success> } }</success>
<attributes>[[n, e, s, t, e, d], [v, a, l, u, e, s]]</attributes>
<success> }</success>
<attributes>[[[n, e, s, t, e, d], [v, a, l, u, e, s]]]</attributes>
<success> }</success>
<attributes>[[[n, e, s, t, e, d], [v, a, l, u, e, s]]]</attributes>
<success> }</success>
<attributes>[[m, o, r, e], [[[n, e, s, t, e, d], [v, a, l, u, e, s]]]]</attributes>
<attributes>[[[c, h, e, c, k], [1, 2, 3, , 1]], [[m, o, r, e], [[[n, e, s, t, e, d], [v, a, l, u, e, s]]]]]</attributes>
<attributes>[[[c, h, e, c, k], [1, 2, 3, , 1]], [[m, o, r, e], [[[n, e, s, t, e, d], [v, a, l, u, e, s]]]]]</attributes>
Some notes:
The failing assignment was because the parser rule value
results in an object of type value
, not object_t
is a pair with a std::string
first_type. Oops. That can not be assigned to either. So, make your own pair-type and use it:
using member_pair_t = std::pair<object_t::key_type, object_t::mapped_type>;
My g++5 seemed to have trouble doing ADL lookup of _attr
and _val
if left unqualified. I'm not sure whether that's a compiler issue, or what. I just went with x3::_attr
and x3::_val
for now
There was a bunch of missing parens in rule defs that made the rules hard to read/check. Added them
turned out to be broken (see below)
The int_parser<int64_t>
was never used (? huh). Use it :)
The number parsing was not functioning. At the same time it looked overly complicated. I suggest using double_ | int_
where double_
uses the strict policy:
x3::real_parser<double, x3::strict_real_policies<double> > const double_ = {};
Matters of style:
Don't make your caller responsible for choosing a skipper. After all, if you use x3::char_("+8")
as the skipper, things will either break or fail to be JSON? I suggest a top-level rule to just introduce the skipper:
auto const json = x3::skip(x3::ascii::space) [ value ];
The test driver can be much less noisy:
std::string storage = R"({ "check": [ 1,2,3, null, true ], "more": { "nested" : "values" } })";
client::ast::value o;
bool r = parse(storage.begin(), storage.end(), client::parser::json, o);
I removed the noisy _class/_type/_def dance for rules that are not used "exernally" (in this simple code sample, anything that's not used recursively: value
to see what's happening :) (this allowed me to spot the error in x3::char_("\x20\x21\x23-\x5b\x5d\x7e")
, see the missing dash?)